999Emergency 222222Non Emergency
999Emergency 222222Non Emergency

We Need You!

Bailiwick Law Enforcement is currently looking for people over the age of 18 who would be willing to become an Appropriate Adult.

During 2020 Bailiwick Law Enforcement dealt with over 1,300 detained persons, 18% of which had individual difficulties that required the assistance of an Appropriate Adult.

Being an Appropriate Adult ensures the interests, rights, entitlements and welfare of vulnerable adults and children suspected of being involved in criminal offences are safeguarded - the role ensures people are treated fairly, with dignity and respect and allows them to participate effectively in the judicial process.

BLE is particularly keen for people who have knowledge or experience of dealing with learning disabilities/difficulties, mental health concerns or communication.

As an Appropriate Adult, you will gain an insight into criminal proceedings in the police station and courts. During your training for the role, you will be supported by a mentor experienced in the role, and will be able to attend and observe police interviews and court hearings. Applicants will also need to be vetted to ensure they are suitable to perform the role.

This scheme is voluntary but you will be reimbursed for your travel costs or assisted with travel where needed.

If you feel you can provide a valuable service, please contact Sergeant Stephen Phillips at Guernsey Police for further information by calling 01481 725111.

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